How to Maximise Your Time on a Short Vacation

smiling woman in airport with phone in hand about to travel

Everyone deserves a breather from a 9-5 job or school or even family. But with the never-ending list of things to do, places to be at and events to attend, the time to get away or travel can seem near impossible.  

Instead of looking to create time to travel, how about you maximise the short time you have? Is it two or three days of a holiday or a weekend you can manage? Here’s how you can make the most of it and tick things off your travel bucket list.

Make your travel plans ahead

Get a calendar and mark the time of the year (month and week) you’d like to travel. This could be around your annual leave or not. Since it’s a short trip, you can choose a weekend you’d be free and make your plans around it. It’s best to start planning as early as possible so you can plan with your budget in mind. Also, making plans early will ensure no issues pop up last minute to interfere with your trip.

Create an itinerary

Having chosen your destination, make a list of sights you want to see and activities you want to engage in. Prioritise your must-sees and must-dos and plan your vacation days around them. Don’t plan to the last second, though. Leave room for surprises and rest as you don’t want to come back exhausted. You can also stretch your short getaway if possible. Ask for a day off from work or target weekends where Monday is a holiday (long weekends) to add extra days for adventure and rest.

Make reservations

Take the bold step and book ahead else the trip will never happen. If you need to fly, research flights for your selected period. Booking your flight early can help you save some money likewise your accommodation and if you need to purchase tickets for unique experiences, do that as well. Check out sites like Skyscanner or Google flights for flight ticket deals and, Airbnb or Couchsurfing for accommodations. To get the best a destination can offer if you’re a first-time visitor, join tour groups. Search Viator for amazing things to do in your destination or research online to find a tour group that aligns with your interest and join them.

Pack less

You’d be gone for just a few days so it’s pointless dragging an entire suitcase behind you. Take a carry-on or two to save time at airport check-ins and at the carousel. Only carry your essentials and keep your style to a minimum. Don’t carry what you won’t need and don’t leave behind what you can’t live without.

Get an early start each day

Finally, you are at your destination and ready to explore. Remember, the early bird gets the best worm. It can be tempting to want to sleep in the first few hours but don’t give in to that urge. You fall for that, and you reduce your chances of ticking the most things off your list. Make it a priority to wake up early. Depending on your destination, arriving at your first sight of the day can help you skip long queues and crowds.

Now, you no longer have to wait for that annual leave to choose between a vacation or staying at home to rest. If you can’t afford to block out an entire week or two to travel, don’t hold yourself back from taking the two or three-day trips that are available. Make travel a necessity for yourself because when it is, you’d find a way to make it work no matter what. 

There are only two months between now and Christmas. Start now to make plans for your end-of-the-year vacation before it’s too late. Or join us in Costa Rica for a Jolley Christmas. What do you say?


This traveler joined us on two trips in one year.


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